Command Line Interface

QBO is a client CLI that connects to the qbo API using websockets. It can send a single command as a message and disconnect. Or it can keep the websocket open to continue receiving state messages from the mirror. It runs in docker.


QBO CLI processes configuration input in the following order:

  1. Environment variables
  1. $HOME/.qbo/cli.json
  2. $HOME/.qbo/.cli.db


If you are accessing the cluster outside the qbo terminal you can install the CLI as follows:

git clone
cd qbo-ce
. ./alias

Cluster Operations

Add Cluster

Create two new cluster dev prod cluster

qbo add cluster dev prod | jq

Create new cluster test with 5 nodes

qbo add cluster test -n 5 | jq

Stop Cluster

Stop cluster test. All nodes in cluster test will be stopped

qbo stop cluster test | jq

Start Cluster

Start cluster test.

qbo start cluster test | jq

Delete Cluster

Delete cluster test. Cluster will be deleted. Operation is irreversible

qbo delete cluster test | jq

Delete all clusters.

qbo delete cluster -A | jq

Node Operations

Stop Node

Stops node with name node-8a774663.localhost bfc61532

qbo stop node node-123 node-567 | jq

Start Node

Starts nodes bfc61532

qbo start node node-123 | jq

Add Node

Add new a new node to cluster test

qbo add node test | jq

Add new 2 new nodes to cluster test

qbo add node test -n 2 | jq

Delete Node

Scale cluster down by deleting node node-8a774663.localhost

qbo del node node-123 | jq

Network operations

Get Networks

Get all cluster networks

qbo get networks -A

Get dev and prod cluster networks

qbo get network dev prod

CLI Reference

Command Argument Options Paraemeter Admin Example Description CLOUD CE
qbo add cluster char[64] -i char[64] N qbo add cluster alex -i Add cluster X X
-n unsigned N Number of nodes X X
-d char[128] N Domain name X X
qbo add node char[64] N qbo add node alex Add node to cluster X X
-n unsigned N qbo add node alex -n 3 Add n nodes to cluster X X
qbo add user char[64] Y qbo add user alex Add user X
–admin Y qbo add user –admin alex Add admin user X
qbo add network char[64] Y qbo add net Add network X
qbo delete network char[64] Y qbo del net Delete network X
qbo delete user char[64] Y qbo del user alex Delete user X
qbo delete node char[64] N qbo del node node-2b251a2c Delete node X X
qbo delete cluster char[64] N qbo delete cluster alex Delete cluster X X
-A N qbo delete cluster -A Delete all clusters X X
qbo stop node char[64] N qbo stop node node-2b251a2c.localhost Stop node X X
qbo stop cluster char[64] N qbo stop cluster alex Stop cluster X X
-A N qbo stop cluser -A Stop all clusters X X
qbo start node char[64] N qbo start node node-2b251a2c Start node X X
-A N qbo start node -A Start all nodes X X
qbo start cluster char[64] N qbo start cluster alex Start cluster X X
-A N qbo start cluster -A Start all clusters X X
qbo get nodes char[64] N qbo get nodes alex Get nodes X X
-A N qbo get nodes -A Get all nodes X X
-w N qbo get nodes -w 43706dd0 Watch nodes X
qbo get pods char[64] N qbo get pods alex Get pods X X
-A N qbo get pods -A Get all pods X X
-w N qbo get pods -w 43706dd0 Watch pods X
qbo get services char[64] N qbo get svc alex Get cluster services X
-A N qbo get svc -A Get all services X
-w N qbo get svc -w 43706dd0 Watch services X
qbo get ipvs char[64] N qbo get ipvs alex Get cluster load balancers X
-A N qbo get ipvs -A Get all load balancers X
qbo get images char[64] N qbo get images Get node images X X
-A N qbo get images -A Get all images X X
qbo get users char[64] N qbo get user alex Get user X
-A N qbo get users -A Get all users X
qbo get cluster char[64] N qbo get cluster alex Get cluster X
-A N qbo get cluster -A Get all clusters X X
-k N qbo get cluster -k alex Get cluster kubeconfig X
qbo get network char[64] N qbo get net alex Get cluster network X X
-A N qbo get net -A Get all cluster networks X X
-H Y qbo get net -H Get host network X
qbo get instance char[64] N qbo get instance alex Get instance X
-A N qbo get instance -A Get all instances X X
-k N qbo get instance -k alex Get instance kubeconfig X
qbo get instance char[64] N qbo get instance alex Get instance X
-A N qbo get instance -A Get all instances X X
-k N qbo get instance -k alex Get instance
qbo version char[64] N qbo version Get qbo version X